SHAPA Applications

Questions? Please call us at 503-843-9330.  Please note: SHAPA’s offices are closed for the summer. Your messages will be returned in early August. We are still accepting applications. Have a great summer! 

SHAPA is open for registration for the 2024-2025 school year. 

This application is for new students. Please use this application if you intend to enroll your student for the 2024-2025 school year. If enrolled, your student will start school at SHAPA starting September 2024. 


Questions about applying to SHAPA?

How can we help?

Registration: Susan Watson, Registrar, 503-843-9330

Counseling: Kale Budgeon,

Technology: Jered Braun, jbraun@sheridanallprep.orgJ


Application Process

  • Submit Application.
  • Receive confirmation email from SHAPA registrar.
  • Submit “Intent to Enroll” form to home district.
  • Onboarding Course (high school students only).
  • Enrollment Complete! Meet with SHAPA Mentor teacher and begin courses.